How much cost sucha kinda thing?

In your home or in our office, the way to go is gmo! . . . the computer tutor!

Tutoring In your home
Number of persons
Number of hours 1 2 3 4
1 $35 $65 $95 $125
2 $65 $125 $165 $200
3 $95 $165 $230 $280
In our office
Number of persons
Number of hours 1 2 3 4
1 $25 $45 $65 $85
2 $45 $85 $120 $155
3 $65 $120 $170 $215

You may have noticed that we don't list prices for more than 4 people. That's because we don't feel that we (nor anyone, for that matter) can teach you the way you should be taught with more than 4 people in a class. In our offices we have 3 computers set up to teach and therefore can handle more people per session. But when more than 4 people are in a session, we have two instructors to serve you. And even then, we like to limit it to 6 people per session. We want you to learn, not wait with your hand raised while someone else asks a question.

gmo          the computer tutor!

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